Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Return President Obama to the White House - Vote Dermocrats

As Americans, we want peace.. we work and sacrifice for peace. But there can be no peace if our security depends on the will and whims of a ruthless and aggressive dictator. I'm not willing to stake one American life on trusting Saddam Hussein. - George Bush

How many young vibrant American lives were lost? This is the double speak of many politicians.

I am urging Americans not to forget the pre-Obama debauchery? Be thankful that President Obama and the Democrats have gotten Americans working again and to a level of economic stability.

The President did not promise to fix America in one term. The hole left by the previous administration has been huge. No American worth their salt can deny that. Yet they expect President Obama to fix America and get everyone back to their big spending, over the top lifestyle.

It’s a new day people. Wake up from your sloth and look around you. The whole world is teetering on a brink of disaster precipitated by the Bush Administration. Things have to change and President Obama is slowly but surely making his mark in the world for Americans. You should be proud of your President – an honest, up front guy with no hidden agenda. His agenda unfortunately is to prove himself as the first Black President and I personally believe he is working way too hard but for him the stakes are high. He has to battle an ailing, damaged economy, fight off racism and the Republican Party who will rather see America fall than a Black man appearing to be victorious.

Obama like the hero brought America Bin Laden whom no one could find for the longest while but like a good hunter he brought home the bacon for Americans to feast upon but yet they’re not satisfied. They want Obama to restore a broken country to its previous form. It takes time and it is time Americans do not have patience with. They have been fed instant pap and trash for so long that they foolishly think that Obama can indeed wave a fairy’s magic wand and bring them cash, jobs, big houses, big cars to flaunt. It is clear many Americans have not learned the lesson in their downfall. To build a good house takes time. There are no shortcuts.

I urge you if you want to have a better life and a better America to return President Obama to the White House and let him do his work. Be patient, see him with your heart the part of you that belongs to God for America projects itself as a God fearing nature. Connect to God and let go of the hatred you have been taught and see president Obama as an instrument of God doing the work he was called to do and America will rise again.

Vote for the Democrats and President Obama. Remember it is the Republicans who led you down the garden path.
                                                                 (How Sweet)

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