It is not surprising to me that Barack Obama has won the Democratic Presidential Nomination. This win is not about women against men. It is not racism vs sexism. It is about change. America must be tired of their history of racism against Blacks and they need to put it behind them. They want to show the world they can change and want to change. This win signifies that America is ready to cross that threshold of race. They have voted for a Black man. Barack could not have won without a substantial amount of white voters. To you I say you have done well. America is a great nation and for it to maintain that greatness and leadership it has to shed the image of a racist country. You can do it people! The world is changing and you have to change with it and Barack is the man to lead that change. He is all of you, all of us - white, black, yellow and in-between. He sees the world not in black and white but in colours, issues, policies that are not limited to a narrow vision. I urge you to stand behind him all the way and you will not regret it.
You will get your woman President but that will not be Hilary - It will be a young woman with a fresh vision and without the baggage that Hilary unfortunately brings to the table that has dogged her throughout her campaign. Having said that, I say hats off to her for showing women in America what it takes to reach the finish line. She has laid down some solid tracks for women to follow and she has left a great legacy but she can throw that all away if she persists in trying to undermine democracy and fairness. Take a bow Hill with the grace of a lady.
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