by Pearl Jr.
Currently, there have been two families that have held either the position of President or Vice President of the USA for the past 27 years and that has resulted in this country moving further and further away from the basic truth that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness:
George Herbert Walker Bush - (Vice President) - 1981-1989 (under Ronald Reagan)
George Herbert Walker Bush - (President) - 1989 - 1993
Bill Clinton - (President) 1993 - 2001
George Walker Bush - (President) 2001-current
Once again, racism is on the rise, the racial economic gap has grown, the rich have gotten richer, the poor poorer, leading to too few controllin! g too much. Do you ever get the impression the rulers are now big corporations and not the American people?
Presidential nepotism simply promotes that those that have power will maintain control via family ties. The United States of America is a democracy to which the people rule the government; the government isn't supposed to rule the people. If this type of nepotism continues, we'll be contemplating that Jeb Bush is the most qualified because his father and brother were Presidents, meanwhile grooming the Bush twin daughters to run for a duet Presidency right after Chelsea Clinton finishes her first two terms.
Following that logic, then George W. Bush should have done a better job as President because his daddy was Vice President and President of the USA. To the contrary, many are saying George W. Bush is the worst President EVER due to the fast declining American economy, the housing fiasco, the humongous deficit, the state of foreign affairs, the war, the health care crisis, and a failing educational system. All of which are in the worst shape of the past 60 years.
Most people would agree that a Democrat will most likely win the race of being the ! 44th President of the USA, due to this Republican administration's complete failures to move the country forward.
The most profound similarity between the top two democratic candidates is they are both lifelong public servants. Both have law degrees. Mr. Obama earned his from Harvard and Mrs. Clinton from Yale. Barack has accomplished many "first" as a Black person and Hillary has many "first" for a woman. The major difference is Hillary governs from the top (corporations and leaders) down and Barack from the bottom (people) up.
The supposed Achilles heel of! Senator Barack Obama (Illinois) has been his reported lack of experie nce, which is for the direct benefit of Senator Hillary Clinton (New York) and raises her value to deserving the democratic nominee. When one looks deeper, that's not necessarily the truth, especially since Hillary is 14 years older than Barack, which has given her additional time to accomplish more.
Now, Barack Obama has been an elected official as a State Senator (Illinois) since 1997 (to 2004) and then elected to the US Senate in 2004. Hillary has been an elected official only since 2000, so judging by this, Barack Obama actually has more experience in elected life than Hillary Clinton.
Many people are including Hillary's ties to her husband, Bill Clinton, as her accolades: She was First Lady of Arkansas and the First Lady of the United States, only because her husband was Governor of Arkansas and President of the USA. O.K. so Hillary chose a very ambitious man to be her husband and from that she is supposed to be the most experienced--HOGWASH!
Furthermore, Hillary will not be a better President just because she slept in the White House for 8 years. Bill has way too many enemies inside and outside the USA to not consider him as a liability, instead of an asset. Can anyone say aspirin factor bombing, Whitewater, travelgate, and Monica Lewinsky? The Clintons bring the country backwards because of the fires that are smothering underneath the surface and it is estimated that the Clintons will have way too many antagonists who are set in place to under mind their Presidency-Oops, her Presidency!
As far as on the international front, Obama is African and Anglo-Saxon, who was born in the South Pacific US state of Hawaii, grew up in Indonesia and has a half Chinese sibling. He understands Muslims because he grew up in a Muslim country, his wife is African-American, and he is a devote Christian-now that's international and connecting internationally! Most importantly, Barack doesn't have international enemies, and THAT could be his best asset of all--representing a fresh new start in foreign affairs.
Nepotism is rarely fair. Bill Clinton is constitutionally disallowed to run the country again due to the 22nd Amendment that set Presidential limits to two terms (1947). The "Herbert Walker" and "Walker" Bush nepotism directly following a possible Bill and Hill loophole manipulation can lead to other c! onstitutional changes, which can spell Monarchy instead of Democracy-a potential danger to the American way of life, indeed!
After watching Hillary for the past year, it is fair to finally stop with the Hill is the brain behind Bill delusion. She's losing that perception with each and every debate. Furthermore, Bill is the man who earned every vote because no one played that saxophone on the Arsenio Hall Show but Bill. Of course, this race is Hillary's to lose because as Bill has enemies, he does have devoted followers that will support his wife Hillary. Nonetheless, the Karl Rove, brain behind the power, perception can finally be laid to rest. After all, Hill just ain't Bill!
So taking all this into serious consideration, I'm not for Hill or Bill, but I do believe that Obama is the one to get Osama because Barack realized long ago Bush was looking under the wrong rock and going backwards finishing his Daddy's unresolved business, which was Saddam Hussein. Do we really want to go backwards again with Bill and Hill? Meanwhile, Osama bin Laden is bragging about killing 3000 Americans and putting on makeup for his many photo shoots telling us, you better watch out, I'm not finished yet.
Lastly, it's only fair to write a word or two about the nationally leading Republican candidate, Rudy Giuliani. Just because Mr. Giuliani was the Mayor of New York City during the biggest attack on American soil EVER, surely cannot make Rudy and Judy the best person(s) to handle the important job of protecting the country.
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