Thursday, June 28, 2012

America Healthcare is Upheld - Big Win for President Obama

Supreme Court Finds Frivolous Lawsuit to Be Frivolous; Upholds “Obamacare”

Today's ruling was an enormous win for the Obama administration, and will likely lead to a fundraising bonanza for corporate front-groups opposed to the law.

June 28, 2012
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The Supreme Court made conservative heads explode and lots of legal experts look clueless today when Chief Justice John Roberts joined the court's moderate wing to uphold ObamaCare in its entirety – with a few twists (most legal observers had predicted that if Roberts upholds, Justice Anthony Kennedy would as well, but Kennedy voted to strike down the entire law). It was a historic win for Congressional Democrats and the Obama administration.

Both CNN and Fox News had 'Dewey Defeats Truman!' moments when they reported, immediately after the ruling was handed down, that the mandate had been struck down as unconstitutional. (An Associated Press editor later sent around a memo telling AP staff to "stop taunting" their competitors who'd blown the call.)

That was based on a partial read. The majority effectively upheld the controversial mandate requiring people to carry coverage or pay a modest penalty, but Roberts wrote that it couldn't be sustained under the Constitution's Commerce Clause because, in his view, Congress can regulate economic activity, but not inactivity. Rather, he ruled that the penalty for not carrying insurance was kosher under Congress's taxation powers.

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