Friday, September 9, 2011

Exceptional Speech from President Obama

This speech separates men from boys, intellectual from lunatics.  Let's get America working with the President's plan.
This was an exceptional speech from President Obama. For all the talk about him being too professorial, or too cool, or too reluctant to show a willingness to fight, this was Obama circa 2008 — passion meets vision meets policy. This was, at its core, a address about a policy crisis, but Obama made an emotional appeal.

What’s more, the president’s vision, the “American Jobs Act,” happens to have some really good ideas that, as it turns out, would actually offer a significant boost to the economy.
Perhaps most importantly from a purely ideological perspective, Obama pushed back aggressively against the idea that government is and should be powerless when it comes to creating jobs and growing the economy. A significant chunk of the speech was a defense of the power of government itself to make a positive difference, and it was most welcome given the prevailing political winds.

I also like the fact that there’s going to be a bill that will be on the table. For a variety of reasons, some of them perfectly legitimate, this White House generally prefers to point to a North Star, only to tell Congress, “Go figure out a way to get there.” Not this time. Obama will present, in writing, a specific legislative proposal, which will reportedly total about $450 billion — bigger than rumors suggested, and much closer to what the economy needs.(Steve Benen)

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