President Obama the right Leader in the New World Order
Given a fair chance of putting his vision to work, Americans would have been a shining example of a quick comeback but divisive politics got in the way. The kind of politics that say I would rather we all go down instead of one man, especially a black man, make us look like idiots. So the Republicans have dogged President Obama‘s inspired vision for a new America at every turn. They have used the same scare tactics that got American into a war that no one wanted, to keep Americans jittery and second-guessing the man they put in office with the highest majority ever across the board. In their desperation at the devastation that was wrought upon them by the previous administration, ordinary Americans scramble helter skelter to save what’s left of their homes, their livelihoods and their lifestyles that the Bush Administration and Wall Street greed took away from them. It is time for sober thinking and look at the facts.
America has a president who can deliver, he is smart, he is young and he has the genes of both Black and White Americans. In spite of what he says about being black, President Obama is not a black man, is not a white man, he is a new kind of man that America will have to embrace now and in the future. That new kind of man comes from a variety of backgrounds, and understands multicultural thinking, bicultural thinking and how to use that to create synergy – something that either a Black or White person might find more challenging. He is the man to make America great. He looks at policies and principles, philosophy and theories combined with practical know-how, gut feelings instead of people and their race or culture. He understands poverty, discrimination, exclusion and he understands privilege and wealth as well. He has the best interest of Americans with little thought of what’s in it for me. He knows he has to prove he is enough, that he is worthy of the vote and that he is looked at with more scrutiny than any previous President, why would he want to screw up? Think about it. Whatever he is trying to do is what he believes to be in the best interest of the American people. He would not want to incite a war in the hope that his company would benefit and he would become richer than ever. He does not have big business ideas for himself; he is an academic at heart. He does not stand to gain from the spoils and exploits of war; there is no conflict of interest there. Think people. This brings me to the question, why with such a strong war ethics and promoter of war against terrorists the previous government was not able to snag any, not one of the big players. Why since President Obama took office we’ve had some of the biggest gains in terrorist hunting and President Obama is not a war monger. Do you see where this is going?
Americans, I urge to pull your head out of the sand and take a look at President Obama and see the truth behind his policies. He is trying to level the playing field. Those who have do not want the playing field levelled. If the field is levelled, then what will be the advantage of the rich or to the rich? Who will they trample upon? The rich Americans have no interest in the poor but to keep them in their place as second class citizens. The poor and middle class Americans have something in common, they have to pool their resources (their votes) against the rich and powerful and show them that we in America can also have our American Spring at the next election. I urge you to send President Obama back to the White House to finish what he has started. He is the man to do it. This is not the time for sitting on the fence. It is the time for decisive action.
America has been blessed with a winning President, chosen to deliver Americans from the bondage of the rich and powerful. Give him that chance or lose it forever. Do not be fooled by those who are just trying to use you to feather their nests even more comfortable. STOP, THINK, ACT.
These are some of the good things President Obama said he would do and what he has accomplished since taking office – there is more to come, stick with him and his plan:
1. New START. The New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) is a bilateral treaty between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) that is purposed to reduce the number of strategic nuclear missile launchers by half and to establish a new inspection and verification regime. The treaty was recently ratified by Congress after being signed earlier this year by President Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.
2. DADT Appeal. President Obama recently signed the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ (DADT) Repeal Bill into law, which will allow gays to serve openly in America’s military. For the first time in history, gays no longer have to hide their sexual orientation or face dismissal. According to objective statistics, more than 13,000 military personnel were released under the DADT since 1993.
3. Tax Cuts. President Obama recently signed an enormous tax cut bill that will extend the Bush era tax cuts for families at all income levels through 2012. The bill also consisted of a new payroll tax cut for wage earners, numerous tax breaks for businesses and extended jobless benefits to the long-term unemployed.
4. Fair Sentencing Act. Earlier this year, President Obama signed the Fair Sentencing Act of 2010 to reduce racial inequity that has historically existed relative to the sentencing of people caught with crack cocaine versus powder cocaine. To be charged with a felony, crack users needed to possess only 5 grams of the drug to be sentenced with the same charge that powder cocaine users needed to be caught with (500 grams). Now, to be charged, crack users need to possess 28 grams of crack cocaine to 500 grams of powder cocaine.
5. Childhood Obesity Act. President Obama recently signed the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, which was primarily spearheaded by First Lady Michelle Obama. This bill is purposed to subsidize free meals in low-income areas, to ensure that children receive well-balanced and nutritious school meals, to provide free or reduced-price meals to nearly 31 million low-income children and to ultimately reduce childhood obesity.
6. Health Care Reform. Although controversial in nature, President Obama’s historic signing of the health care reform bill (i.e., The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010) will result in health care coverage for over 30 million additional Americans, as well as lowered costs for most Americans. Additionally, the health care reform bill will preclude insurance companies from placing lifetime limits on benefits and from denying coverage to individuals and family members with pre-existing health conditions.
7. Improper Payments. President Obama signed the Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Act, which is purposed to prevent such payments sent by the government to the wrong person or for the wrong reasons or in the wrong amounts. President Obama also established a goal for his administration to reduce improper payments by $50 billion by 2012.
8. Iraq. One of the primary messages of his presidential campaign was the withdrawal of combat troops out of Iraq. President Obama and his National Defense personnel were able to implement this promise, as more than 90,000 combat troops were withdrawn out of Iraq by August 31, 2010.
9. Wall Street Reform. President Obama signed the historic Wall Street Reform Bill, which was established to put an end to taxpayer-funded bailouts, create a new watchdog agency within the Federal Reserve to protect consumers in financial transactions, give the government more power to break up failing companies and create greater congressional oversight over the central bank.
10. HIRE Act. President Obama signed the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment (HIRE) Act, which included $17.5 billion in tax cuts, business credits and subsidies for state and local construction bonds, and moved $20 billion into the highway trust fund for spending on highway and transit programs. The bill also exempts businesses that hire unemployed workers from paying the payroll security tax through December of 2010.
11. HBCU Funding. President Obama signed the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), which will include a $98 million funding increase for HBCUs. This Executive Order will also provide funding for the repair, renovation, and construction or acquisition of educational facilities, instructional equipment, research instrumentation, and physical infrastructure.
12. Appointment of Justice Elena Kagen. In addition to appointing Sonia Sotomayor as the first Hispanic to the Supreme Court in 2009, President Obama similarly appointed former Solicitor General Elena Kagen in 2010.
Given a fair chance of putting his vision to work, Americans would have been a shining example of a quick comeback but divisive politics got in the way. The kind of politics that say I would rather we all go down instead of one man, especially a black man, make us look like idiots. So the Republicans have dogged President Obama‘s inspired vision for a new America at every turn. They have used the same scare tactics that got American into a war that no one wanted, to keep Americans jittery and second-guessing the man they put in office with the highest majority ever across the board. In their desperation at the devastation that was wrought upon them by the previous administration, ordinary Americans scramble helter skelter to save what’s left of their homes, their livelihoods and their lifestyles that the Bush Administration and Wall Street greed took away from them. It is time for sober thinking and look at the facts.
America has a president who can deliver, he is smart, he is young and he has the genes of both Black and White Americans. In spite of what he says about being black, President Obama is not a black man, is not a white man, he is a new kind of man that America will have to embrace now and in the future. That new kind of man comes from a variety of backgrounds, and understands multicultural thinking, bicultural thinking and how to use that to create synergy – something that either a Black or White person might find more challenging. He is the man to make America great. He looks at policies and principles, philosophy and theories combined with practical know-how, gut feelings instead of people and their race or culture. He understands poverty, discrimination, exclusion and he understands privilege and wealth as well. He has the best interest of Americans with little thought of what’s in it for me. He knows he has to prove he is enough, that he is worthy of the vote and that he is looked at with more scrutiny than any previous President, why would he want to screw up? Think about it. Whatever he is trying to do is what he believes to be in the best interest of the American people. He would not want to incite a war in the hope that his company would benefit and he would become richer than ever. He does not have big business ideas for himself; he is an academic at heart. He does not stand to gain from the spoils and exploits of war; there is no conflict of interest there. Think people. This brings me to the question, why with such a strong war ethics and promoter of war against terrorists the previous government was not able to snag any, not one of the big players. Why since President Obama took office we’ve had some of the biggest gains in terrorist hunting and President Obama is not a war monger. Do you see where this is going?
Americans, I urge to pull your head out of the sand and take a look at President Obama and see the truth behind his policies. He is trying to level the playing field. Those who have do not want the playing field levelled. If the field is levelled, then what will be the advantage of the rich or to the rich? Who will they trample upon? The rich Americans have no interest in the poor but to keep them in their place as second class citizens. The poor and middle class Americans have something in common, they have to pool their resources (their votes) against the rich and powerful and show them that we in America can also have our American Spring at the next election. I urge you to send President Obama back to the White House to finish what he has started. He is the man to do it. This is not the time for sitting on the fence. It is the time for decisive action.
America has been blessed with a winning President, chosen to deliver Americans from the bondage of the rich and powerful. Give him that chance or lose it forever. Do not be fooled by those who are just trying to use you to feather their nests even more comfortable. STOP, THINK, ACT.
These are some of the good things President Obama said he would do and what he has accomplished since taking office – there is more to come, stick with him and his plan:
1. New START. The New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) is a bilateral treaty between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) that is purposed to reduce the number of strategic nuclear missile launchers by half and to establish a new inspection and verification regime. The treaty was recently ratified by Congress after being signed earlier this year by President Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.
2. DADT Appeal. President Obama recently signed the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ (DADT) Repeal Bill into law, which will allow gays to serve openly in America’s military. For the first time in history, gays no longer have to hide their sexual orientation or face dismissal. According to objective statistics, more than 13,000 military personnel were released under the DADT since 1993.
3. Tax Cuts. President Obama recently signed an enormous tax cut bill that will extend the Bush era tax cuts for families at all income levels through 2012. The bill also consisted of a new payroll tax cut for wage earners, numerous tax breaks for businesses and extended jobless benefits to the long-term unemployed.
4. Fair Sentencing Act. Earlier this year, President Obama signed the Fair Sentencing Act of 2010 to reduce racial inequity that has historically existed relative to the sentencing of people caught with crack cocaine versus powder cocaine. To be charged with a felony, crack users needed to possess only 5 grams of the drug to be sentenced with the same charge that powder cocaine users needed to be caught with (500 grams). Now, to be charged, crack users need to possess 28 grams of crack cocaine to 500 grams of powder cocaine.
5. Childhood Obesity Act. President Obama recently signed the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, which was primarily spearheaded by First Lady Michelle Obama. This bill is purposed to subsidize free meals in low-income areas, to ensure that children receive well-balanced and nutritious school meals, to provide free or reduced-price meals to nearly 31 million low-income children and to ultimately reduce childhood obesity.
6. Health Care Reform. Although controversial in nature, President Obama’s historic signing of the health care reform bill (i.e., The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010) will result in health care coverage for over 30 million additional Americans, as well as lowered costs for most Americans. Additionally, the health care reform bill will preclude insurance companies from placing lifetime limits on benefits and from denying coverage to individuals and family members with pre-existing health conditions.
7. Improper Payments. President Obama signed the Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Act, which is purposed to prevent such payments sent by the government to the wrong person or for the wrong reasons or in the wrong amounts. President Obama also established a goal for his administration to reduce improper payments by $50 billion by 2012.
8. Iraq. One of the primary messages of his presidential campaign was the withdrawal of combat troops out of Iraq. President Obama and his National Defense personnel were able to implement this promise, as more than 90,000 combat troops were withdrawn out of Iraq by August 31, 2010.
9. Wall Street Reform. President Obama signed the historic Wall Street Reform Bill, which was established to put an end to taxpayer-funded bailouts, create a new watchdog agency within the Federal Reserve to protect consumers in financial transactions, give the government more power to break up failing companies and create greater congressional oversight over the central bank.
10. HIRE Act. President Obama signed the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment (HIRE) Act, which included $17.5 billion in tax cuts, business credits and subsidies for state and local construction bonds, and moved $20 billion into the highway trust fund for spending on highway and transit programs. The bill also exempts businesses that hire unemployed workers from paying the payroll security tax through December of 2010.
11. HBCU Funding. President Obama signed the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), which will include a $98 million funding increase for HBCUs. This Executive Order will also provide funding for the repair, renovation, and construction or acquisition of educational facilities, instructional equipment, research instrumentation, and physical infrastructure.
12. Appointment of Justice Elena Kagen. In addition to appointing Sonia Sotomayor as the first Hispanic to the Supreme Court in 2009, President Obama similarly appointed former Solicitor General Elena Kagen in 2010.